Works Produced
Northeast California Rock Climbing Guide Book
The only comprehensive guidebook for the climbing regions and crags of Northeast California. Full page color photos, with route overlays, for every cliff, route, and boulder problem. Includes historical notes and established climbing ethics for each crag, as well as first ascent information for all routes. Over 600 climbing routes, including more than 300 previously undocumented climbs. Additionally includes a bonus bouldering guide section for "The Lost Sierra" Region. Includes the crags in Plumas County, Lassen County, Western Tehama County, parts of Butte County and Southeast Shasta County.
Outdoor Recreation Leadership at Feather River College - Program Website |
Feather River College Climbing Wall
UCSC Senior Thesis
In the Fall of 2007, I worked with a small group of students to create a 5 unit course still offered through UCSC’s community studies program, called “The Community and Culture of the Bicycle.” I facilitated lectures, assisted teaching the lab, and led discussion sections. The processes involved with getting the course approved, designing its lesson plans, and creating methods for evaluating progress towards student learning outcomes significantly strengthened my administrative skills. This culminating experience became my senior thesis and ultimately revealed my passion as an educator.